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You can manage your Mastercard Click to Pay profile any time by visiting and entering your user ID. Here you can add or delete a card, add or delete a shipping address, manage remembered devices and browsers, and delete your profile. To manage cards and profiles with other payment brands, visit their websites.
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You can submit potential security vulnerabilities to us through our Bug Bounty programs (on for consideration of rewards. Reward-related details are available on Please note that information provided through a Mastercard email address ( is not eligible for compensation under our vulnerability reporting program.
Get monthly statements: Tap Card Balance to see the balance, new spending, and payments and credits. Scroll down to see your monthly statements. Tap a statement to see the summary for that month, download a PDF statement, or export transactions to a CSV, OFX, QFX, or QBO file.
You can only manage your Mastercards at If you would like to manage cards with other payment brands (like Visa or American Express), please visit their websites to enrol or add cards.
You can delete your profile information from Mastercard Click to Pay by signing in to your profile at In your profile, click on the menu in the top right-hand corner. Choose Settings and then choose Manage profile.
As a service to authorized Visa card issuers and Visa merchants, Visa makes available electronic artwork of the Visa brand mark and links to Visa proprietary websites. Only Visa card issuers and merchants are authorized to use Visa brand marks. If you are working for a Visa card issuer or Visa merchant, please visit our Marketing Center for Visa logo information and downloads.
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Often there's another part to the scam. The scammers may ask you to download a file, usually a Microsoft Word or Excel file, enter your information into the file, and send that file back to them to cancel the order.
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