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Van Wylen Thermodynamics Pdf Download

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Van Wylen Thermodynamics Pdf Download

where Qc.v is the heat power produced/invested in the ORC component. Wc.v is the power invested/produced in the control volume. hi is the entalphy of the incoming fluid. he is the entalphy of the leaving fluid. Vi and Zi are the velocity and height of the incoming fluids, resepectively. Ve and Ze are the velocity and height of the fluids leaving the component, resepectively. The second law of thermodynamics for the Steady State Steady Flow process is shown in the following equation [19]:

where si and se represent the entropy of the incoming fluid and leaving fluid. t represents the time and TR denotes the reservoir high tempearture (or pet-coke flame temperarture). Butane flows inside the ORC cycle. The entropy, enthalpy, and specific volume properties of butane required to evaluate the heating rate and power were computed by employing the THERMOPTIM code [20]. The phenyl-naphthalene temperature at the boiler outlet (see Figure 1) was computed by applying the first law of thermodynamics: 153554b96e


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