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About NGA

Ever wanted to make your own game?

Norwegian Game Awards is the perfect opportunity!


What exactly is NGA?

NGA is Norway’s largest game development competition. It is a great opportunity for Norwegian game developer students to show their game and receive valuable feedback. The developers get to meet the other contestants and participate in workshops with our partners in the industry. Participants gain in-depth insight into how the industry works and how to build their own business. This is a unique event that helps the participants find their way forward! 

The competitions goal is to contribute to an increased focus on game development, entrepreneurial thinking and innovation. It also promotes the multi-disciplinary aspects of game development. 

"We are be the springboard for the game developers of tomorrow, and we will make sure make students all over Norway consider game development as a viable career path”

NGA is a natural meeting place for the game industry and students. We provide a unique arena where the industry get access to the most talented students in game development, programming and graphics rendering. We want to increase the interest in game development, and inspire students to develop games and chase their dreams. Through our nationwide reach we aim to change the Norwegian gaming industry to the better.

There are some great interviews with previous contestants below, you can also find out more on the participants page, as well as the updates page.

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But don't listen to us

Take a look at Level up's coverage of NGA 2020 and previous interviews with participants and Funcom!




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Intervju med Studio Gauntlet og Riddlebit Software

Intervju med Studio Gauntlet og Riddlebit Software

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Funcom Interview

Funcom Interview

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Who is behind this?

NGA is an event held each year by the student organization Start NTNU. We are students at the

Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, working to inspire students to be more innovative and start something for themselves. 

Se our other events at



Improving education is an important part of strengthening the Norwegian game industry. Therefore, we arrange an event for professors, as a part of the networking night, for them to improve their teaching, share experiences, and create connections. This helps improve the education game development students receive throughout all of Norway and helps motivate both the students and the professors themselves.

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